Type A CEDC Agenda 8-27-18
Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Coleman Economic Development Corporation Type A board will be held on Monday, August 27, 2018 at 6:00p.m. at the Coleman County Chamber of Commerce, 110 S. Commercial Ave., Coleman, Texas to consider the following items and possibly take action:
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Comments by Visitors (limited to 3 minutes) on items not on the agenda
IV. Review of Minutes
Review of Minutes from the REGULAR MEETING held on July 9, 2018; the JOINT TOWN HALL MEETING held on July 26, 2018 and the JOINT 4A/4B/CCYAC/RODEO Assn. MEETING held on August 15, 2018.
V. Financial Report
Review monthly report
VI. New Business
Consider and possibly take action on:
1. Resignation from Harold Skelton
2. Discussion on signature authority at Coleman County State Bank
3. Presentation by Sandra Rose to provide accounting service for the CEDC beginning October 1st
4. Audit for FY 17
5. Request for funds to Repair/Renovate Hidalgo’s
6. Making Billboards available to rent for the business community
7. Findings of Sam Swan on repairs to the Chamber Building
8. Request from CCYAC Board for Executive Director to Manage the Bill Franklin/Goree Expo Center beginning September 1st
9. Application Process Update
10. Evaluation of Executive Directors performance of SMART goals
11. Review financial analysis of projects
12. List of Prospects/Evergreen List
13. Update on JAL agreement
14. Request by Coleman Chamber of Commerce for $1,685.64 for materials to add electrical downtown for Fiesta (City of Coleman will provide labor)
15. Request by Coleman Chamber of Commerce for $495.00 for Wi-Fi installation downtown for Fiesta (Coleman County Telephone Co-Op will provide labor)
VII. Directors Report-Town Hall, Retail/Events, Ady Update, Career Center
VIII. Executive Session
The CEDC Board reserves the right to retire into Executive Session on any of the above referenced items pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Sections 551.071 – Consultation with Attorney 551.072 – Deliberations about Real Property, 551.074 – Personnel Matters or 551.087 – Economic Development, if appropriate.
IX. Reconvene into regular session if needed; and take appropriate action on items discussed during Executive Session.
X. Adjournment
I Certify that the above notice of meeting was posted at Coleman City Hall, 200 W. Live Oak, Coleman, Texas on ________of _______, 2018 at ________ A.M./P.M
Requests for accommodations for persons with disabilities or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the Coleman EDC office at (325) 625-3669 or E-mail edcolemanedc@outlook.com for questions regarding these services.
Jack Birdwell, Secretary/Treasurer